A member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Receiving forgiveness from our Lord Jesus since 1912.
John 1:29
The saints at Hope Lutheran Church - Munger (Cloquet) are a small gathering of the saints who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ the crucified. We gather together to receive the gifts that the Lord Jesus won for us on the cross: the forgiveness of sins and life in His name. We rejoice in our Baptisms into Christ's death and resurrection and where God claims us as His own children. We arrive, receive, sing and bear together the cross of living life in this broken and fallen world, always keeping our eye on Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Hope Lutheran is blessed to have hymnals which guide us in worship every Sunday. We follow a liturgy (a pattern) of worship that is descended from liturgies formed in the first centuries of the church. The liturgy is mainly comprised of sections from the Bible or they are original compositions that agree with what the Bible teaches.
Hope Lutheran is blessed to be able to receive the very body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ on a weekly basis. Holy Scripture teaches that those who commune should be of one mind (Acts 2:42) and that if one takes Communion unworthily it results in condemnation (1 Cor. 11:27). Because of this, we humbly ask that only confirmed members in good standing of sister LC-MS congregations or those who have talked to Pastor beforehand come up to receive the Lord's Body and Blood. If you are a visitor and want to receive a blessing at the communion rail please cross your hands over your chest. Thank you for respecting our practice and we look forward to the day when all divisions in the Church are ceased.
Hope Lutheran is a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. The LC-MS is a fellowship of over 5,900 congregations in the United States that preach the Word of God purely and administer the sacraments to the Lord's people. It is a member church body of the International Lutheran Council, a collection of confessional Lutheran church bodies around the world that seek to proclaim Jesus to a lost and dying world.
Pastor Stafford Thompson is the Pastor here at Hope Lutheran Church. He was ordained and installed on June 27th, 2021. He is originally from Brainerd, MN, and is married to Emma. In September 2022 they welcomed a son Soren Lee Thompson. Pastor Thompson graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in Crop and Weed Science (Agronomy) and with a Masters in Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pastor Thompson received the call to Hope Lutheran upon graduation from the seminary. He is blessed and excited to share the Word of God with the people of the Munger, Solway, Proctor, Hermantown and Cloquet communities.
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